Monday, April 7, 2008

Fran's Biography, Fran Moghaddam

Fran's Biography

My Book What a coincidence War in Iraq Hope in America Letter to President George W. Bush
Last year America celebrated the 23oth year of freedom—a privilege most Americans take for granted. But not Fran Mo-ghaddam, candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, District #1. She relishes every single freedom because she has experienced what happens when freedom is taken away.

Fran grew up in Teheran, Iran, in a privileged family when Iran was the best friend of America. She married and had two sons. Fran’s eldest son was attending Kim Bolton School in Cambridge, England, when he decided to continue higher education in the U.S. Fran, with her husband’s support, relocated with her two sons to Tulsa. Fran’s family members, including her husband, were very involved in Iranian politics. One day she received word that the Shah of Iran had been deposed. Her uncle, a second general of the Shah and Iran’s Secretary of Energy, had committed suicide. The home Fran had known and loved was gone—along with family members and everything she had.

She recalled the beauty of Iran and how it was referred to as a “piece of jewelry located in the Middle East” … a country not only rich in oil and gas but also in other mineral resources such as gold, silver, diamonds, turquoise, copper, and uranium. She recalled a modern country with four seasons, beautiful beaches, the “best caviar and fish
in the world,” mountains for skiing, landscapes drenched in flowers, and one of the world’s most exclusive retreats, Kish Island. She recalled the progressiveness of this nation, with freedom of religion, under the rule of the Shah—and how it was all destroyed.

[Fran mentions an interesting book called, “Bridge of Turquoise,” written by Roloff Beny, which gives a comprehensive description of Iran and its people. Other Americans who have traveled to Iran, including Lt. Hopper Smith and Dr. Deardorff, have praised this book and hope Americans read it to learn about Iranians.]

Fran lost everything she had known, and at the advice of her doctor, had to forget her native Iran and start from zero. Hardly an easy road ahead, Fran was honored when she was granted political asylum by the U.S. Government in 1985. She began attending the Church on the Rock and Church of the living God where she found Christianity; she has been a member of Eastwood Baptist Church for 16 years and has also been active with Victory Christian Center
Fran obtained her associate’s degree in business adminis­tration from Rogers State College and completed her BS degree in management science at the University of Tulsa in 1983. She will be pursuing her master’s in Political Science. She has owned and operated her business since 1987 as a licensed life and health insurance broker, (FNM InsuranceProvider/Analyst). Fran believes that Tulsa is her God-chosen home and she has lived there for over 29 years.
When Fran Mo-ghaddam became a citizen of the United States on August 2, 1993, the oath she took included the words, “I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” She took these words to heart— remembering that her father told her that America saved Iran from Russia in World War II—and has since made it her mission to work diligently to the best of her abilities, international knowledge, and experience to be involved with issues concerning American citizens.

Fran Mo-ghaddam has been an active volunteer in campaigns for numerous Republican candi­dates and has also successfully collaborated with conservative Democratic government officials regarding national health. She is a member of the Republican National Committee, Republican Senatorial Committee, numerous local Republican Women’s organizations, Tuls Midtown Rorary Club, Eagle Forum,and she is an Okla­homa Grass Roots Team Leader. Mo-ghaddam served on the Tulsa Mayor’s Task Force on issues of parenting, public safety, and the environment.

In 2004, she made an unsuccessful bid for Oklahoma State Senate, District #25. Friends and supporters urged her to utilize her vast international experience in a more appropriate forum—political office at the federal level—where her international knowledge could benefit a greater number of American citizens.

“I am honest and dedicated to our citizens and our country. Through my toughest experience as a minority candidate in 2004, I supported our party’s principles and pursued basic Republican values.

I am eternally grateful to God and the United States for my many blessings. I want to give back to my state and my country through the U.S. House of Representatives. My mission is to bring compassion, compromise, and caring to reform our health care system … to travel to Middle Eastern and European countries to educate them about our great nation … and, to establish unity and equality among U.S. citizens for the sake of American freedom and of U.S. soldiers, for without security, nothing else matters.”

Fran Mo-ghaddam operates under this principle: “Her nickname is “Fair’ and her middle name is ‘Disciplined’” to encourage government to use fiscal discipline to stop overspending, create a fair tax system, grow the economy, and provide more jobs. She also supports perma­nent tax cuts, marriage & family, pro-life, education, Social Security, energy, technology, immigration reform, and agriculture.

Editor’s note: Last year Iran celebrated the 70th anniversary of Iranian Women’s Liberation Day, a fact that Fran is very proud of. Shown below (left) is Iranian empress Farah Pahlavi, who gave the speech in honor of this historic occasion. Her full speech can be seen at Early Oklahoma women voters (circa 1915) are shown on the right. [photo compliments of the Bartlesville Area History Museum, Bartlesville, OK]

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